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Lidera no independente Kompania Enerjetika iha Timor-Leste no Rejiaun.

Pertamina International Timor SA (PITSA) hanesan subsidiaria husi Pertamina, nebe hahu’u nia operasaun iha Timor-Leste, loron 1 fulan novembru tinan 2015.

PITSA hanesan empreza nebe’e kontinua Pertamina nia negosio iha Timor-Leste, nebe’e anteriormente hari’i husi representante administrasaun Marketing Pertamina iha Timor-Leste (MRTL).

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PITSA iha nia operasaun instalasa simu kombustivel, armazenamentu no distribuisaun kombustivel.

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Hare’e ami nia notisia ho atualizasaun ikus

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PITSA – WASKITA Timor Leste sign Sales Purchase Agreement

February 23, 2023

Pertamina International Timor, SA (PITSA) and PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Branch Timor Leste sign Sales Purchase Agreement for fuel, Asphalt and Lubricant on Thursday, 5th May 2016 at PITSA’s head office, Rua Pantai Kelapa Dili.

Pertamina Export Asphalt to Timor Leste

February 23, 2023

PT Pertamina (Persero) exporting asphalt to Timor Leste on Friday (29th April 2016). This is the first time Indonesia to export asphalt abroad. Pertamina through affiliates in East Timor, namely Pertamina International Timor, SA (PITSA), on its first export of this time, Pertamina sends 645 drums of asphalt or the equivalent of 100 MT from Bitumen Plant Gresik.

PITSA Support Timor Gap’s Suai Fuel Station

February 23, 2023

Timor GAP, EP  held a inauguration ceremony of Suai Fuel Station on Friday 10 February 2016 at Fatuisin, Camanasa, Suai - Covalima,Timor Leste.

How To Identify The Fake Lubricants

February 23, 2023

The fake lubricants, although it may be cheaper, is dangerous, because it can damage your vehicle or your machine. Take care your engine and make it become more durable by using only genuine good quality lubricants.